A little bit about Sheltie dogs

Sheltie is a long-haired mischievous wonder. If you want to have a perky, active, sociable dog in your family, then you need a sheltie breed. This four-legged pet will become a loyal friend with whom you can spend time both at home and in the yard.Nowadays, this breed is very popular and often owners entrust its representatives with the role of their companion, but a couple of centuries ago shelties looked after sheep in a flock. A dog with voluminous fur in a short time became the leader of the herd and managed it.First you need to find out that, despite the similarity in appearance, the breeds of collie and sheltie are very different. Their character and behavior are completely different. The collie seems noble and proud during any activity, and sheltie looks like a little mischievous child who is ready to run around with you for hours.Sheltie hails from the Shetland Islands. As already mentioned, they previously performed the functions of a shepherd's assistant. If one of the sheep fought off the herd, the dog bit her weakly by the paws, bringing her back. Apparently, habits are so ingrained in the minds of these animals that sometimes they can even take the owners for their wards. That is, if one of the family members gets lost sight of during a walk, the animal is noticeably nervous, as if feeling the need to be near the family all the time, which he was entrusted to look after. How not to mention their unique character?A harmless, obedient, caring dog can easily make friends with all family members, as well as with any other pets that share shelter with her. In addition, these animals can easily adapt to the owner's daily routine, as well as respond to a change in his mood. These dogs like to walk and run for a long time. Any load for her will be a joy. Therefore, it is preferable to have shelties in a family with children. These tomboys will complement each other, and you will be able to relax watching the picture of happiness - communication of a pet and your child.However, even if the animal has to be next to the owner in the house, it will calmly put up with this, without showing its appearance of experiencing a lot of lost time. Sheltie will understand and support you by faithfully licking your hand.Some people are deterred from choosing to purchase a sheltie breed by the possibility of problems with taking care of wool. By the way, very much in vain. Compared to other dogs with gorgeous hair, this breed needs washing and combing less often. Of course, this does not negate the fact that you need to take care of the dog, pay special time to care during molting periods, but the beautiful fur coat of the animal is worth it.However, this beauty has its disadvantages. The dog cannot be alone and suffers a lot if she has to stay alone. A social dog with human habits requires special treatment and care. You shouldn't leave her alone - you risk upsetting the balance of your community.And this breed is also distinguished by its "sociability", so you should prepare yourself in advance for the fact that joyful barking will be heard all the time in the house, with which it will communicate with you and thank you, inform about its needs and support you in moments of weakness. Мoбилнaтa веpсия или пpилoжениетo, кoетo мoжете дa свaлите зa Android, iOS (iPad, iPhone), същo сa удoбни с тoвa, че пo всякo вpеме мoжете дa се пpисъедините към увлекaтелен туpниp или дa изпoлзвaте пpoмoциoнaлен кoд с кpaтък сpoк нa действие или дa хвaнете пpoмoциятa, кoятo е нa път дa изтече https://www.online-casinobg.com/ Вaжнo е oбaче мoбилнaтa веpсия нa сaйтa, кaктo и тегленият кaзинo сoфтуеp дa paбoтят стaбилнo. Акo pесуpсът или сoфтуеpът не „зaбивaт“, игpите не изисквaт пoстoяннo pестapтиpaне, a интеpфейсът е удoбен — мoжете спoкoйнo дa изпoлзвaте тaкивa пpoдукти.
